Review: Week 6

I have completed the backup for my blog and checked on the Progress Chart to make sure on I'm on target with my desired grade. For my video this week I watched "Bheem meets Hanuman" by Epified. The video was about Bheem goes to find flowers and ends up lost in a forest, while trying to find his back he meets Hanuman. Hanuman is upset that Bheem woke up the other animals while he was trying to find his way back. Hanuman blocks his path and Bheem tries to get past him but he is unable to, so he asks Hanuman for forgiveness. Then Hanuman greets Bheem as his brother and they part ways. I really enjoy the Epified videos because they give me an opportunity to learn more about characters that usually aren't main characters in the epics. My favorite graphic this week was the diagram that helps identify what tasks need the most focus. I find when I'm overwhelmed with school work or problems, I struggle to know where to begin and I think this graphic will be helpful for organizing my mental to-do list.


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