Growth Mindset:

For my week 5 Growth Mindset, I read the article ""25 Simple Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset" by Saga Briggs. This article confirmed the negative consequences of having a fixed mindset and the impact it can have on all aspects of your life. Despite knowing the negative impacts of a fixed mindset, I didn't it could lead to dishonesty. The article mentions a study done where kids were asked to right a letter to their peers about their IQ scores and found that about 40% lied about their score. There were many useful ways to develop a growth  mindset and couple of them stood out that I want to incorporate into my life. A lot of the tips acknowledged the speed it takes to learn, so I'm going to start allowing myself more time to learn material so I'm learning well instead of learning fast. Also, i want to increase my determination, since the article suggests that students with more grit are more likely to seek approval from themselves instead of others.
Growth mindset (Flickr)


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