Extra Credit Reading Notes

Sita's Ramayana by Samhita Arni and Moyna Chitrakar (2011)

Part A:

The book begins with Sita explaining her perspective of the Ramayana to the forest. She begins the story with their exile, saying that life was pleasant, but Rama and Lakshmana didn't enjoy the peace of the forest. She explains the reasoning behind Ravana capturing her was because of Lakshmana cutting of Surpanaka's nose. Sita asked Rama to bring her the beautiful golden deer while Lakshmana watched over her. She feared Rama was hurt and asked Lakshmana to leave her in the hermitage and check on Rama. While alone, she heard the sound of music and found a minstrel who needed food and water. She felt like the music casted a spell on her and goes to feed him, but the minstrel was Ravana. He grabbed her hair and seized her arms and put her in his chariot. Ravana came to avenge his sister, but fell in love with Sita. He offered her many luxuries while stating Rama was a bad husband for leaving Sita alone. Sita said she loved Rama, but Ravana insisted that time would change those feelings. Jatayu tried to save Sita, but Ravana cut off his wing. Sita was devastated at this because she knew Jatayu wouldn't survive the fall. Sita drops her jewels to create a trail as she is taken to Lanka. Lanka was a city of gold and priceless gems. Ravana imprisons Sita in a garden when she refuses to marry him and waited for her to change her mind. In the garden, Sita was guarded by demons that would mock Sita and Rama, while praising Ravana. Trijatha, Ravana's niece, treated Sita with kindness and compassion. Trijatha was highly regarded because she was the only Rakshasa that could see into the past and future.
Sita being abducted by Ravana


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