Extra Credit Reading Notes: Ramayana Part B

Rama and Bharata. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie
-Bharata is upset that Rama was exiled to the jungle and goes to find him.
-Rama refuses to leave the jungle because he wasn't to fulfill his father's wish, which shows the amount of respect Rama had for his father.
-Bharata offered to take Rama's place in exile. It seems like Bharata feels guilty for his mother's actions and wants to take responsibility for her actions and make things right.

Viradha. The Ramayana by Manmatha Dutt
-A rakshasa named Viradha takes Sita to be his wife
-Viradha had a special power that he couldn't be killed by any weapon.
-Rama and Lakshamana are quick to work together and defeat the rakshasa by throwing him into a pit after noticing his power.
-As the rakshasa dies, it says that it was cursed by Kubera and would only be freed once it was slain by Rama.

Battle with Khara. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie
-Rama prioritizes Sita's safety throughout the battles with demons and puts her wellbeing above his
-Lakshmana allows listens to Rama, showing he has a great level of trust in him.
-Rama defeats a large demon army by himself.

Rama and Jutayu. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie
-Rama is grieving the loss of Sita
-Rama expressing his sadness about his misfortune. After being so successful in fights and being so powerful, this episode shows a vulnerable side of Rama. This shows me that despite how strong Rama is, he is still only a human and experiences sadness and grief.
Viradha (Wikimedia)


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