Wikipedia Trail: From Meiosis to the Deepsea Challenger

I started my Wikipedia Trail with Meiosis because that's one of the topics were learning about for my biology class. Simplified, meiosis is a process that that exchanges genes between to the pair chromosome given by each parents which produces genetically unique recombinant chromosome. This causes us to be genetically distinct and look different from our parents.

The second article I went to was about sea urchins. I clicked this link because everything else in the previous article was science based, and I wanted to read something other than science. I also thought it was interested that meiosis was first discovered in sea urchin eggs.

The third article I was linked to was about the abyssal zone. I was drawn to this link because this layer of the ocean remains in perpetual darkness. Since this layer is dark, plants cant grow, so it can be a death trap for many organisms.

The last article I clicked was the Deepsea Challenger, which was the submarine designed to reach the deepest known point on Earth. I clicked this link because I was curious about how quickly the submarine was able to reach the point and how the submarine was built to withstand so much pressure. Surprisingly, it only took about two and a half hours for the submarine to reach. 
The Deepsea Challenger 
Source: Wikimedia


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