Learning Challenge: Sleep improvement

For this weeks learning challenge I read "10 proven ways teachers can improve their sleep" by Sarah Marsh. Even though I'm not a teacher, I wanted to read this article because I struggle with insomnia which makes it hard for me to wake up and maintain focus during the day. This article confirmed that my worst sleep habit, using my phone or laptop until I get tired, is actually keeping me awake. This article also me about some of my habits have been hurting my sleep schedule, the biggest one being the time I exercise. I typically work out at night, probably a few hours before bed, because I have early classes and usually work/study until the evening. The article states that there should be roughly six hours between exercise and bedtime to allow the body to cool down. Also, the temperature of your feet can cause a bad night of sleep if they're too cold. I'm mostly curious about the 90-minute rule, that claims it should be easiest to wake up every 90 minutes after we fall asleep when we experience rapid eye movement. To achieve waking up during this time frame, the article links an app that can help. My biggest problem with my sleep pattern is I can never wake up and will snooze any and every alarm. I'm going to try using this app to see if it can help me wake up easier in the morning.
Healthy sleeping habits 


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