Growth Mindset: The power of grades
For this week, I read the Growth Mindset article "The Emotional Weight of Being Graded, for Better or Worse" by Linda Flanagan. This article confirmed that it isn't uncommon to lose interest in a subject when the main focus is grades. I always felt like subjects became less interesting when my only goal was to get an A in the class instead of genuinely learning the subject. Before reading the article, I didn't know that many teachers were moving towards replacing grading and testing with other types of assessments. Since this is the first self-graded class I've taken, I'm curious to see how my own interest in this course will change throughout the semester compared to my interests in other courses. Already, the coursework for this class has become more enjoyable than my other classes because I don't feel as stressed for assignments. I'm also wondering if this grading system was applied to every course, if the students would continue to learn or if they would eventually try less since they will receive a good grade no matter what. I also wonder how higher education courses would determine which students excelled in school and which didn't. This new grading system interests me a lot and I want to continue researching the outcomes of this new grading movement.
Grades can cause disinterest in learning
Source: Free SVG
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